Activision Blizzard To DMCA Takedown All Overwatch Porn In Wake Of Harassment Lawsuit

Activision Blizzard's PR has been having a rough time trying to smooth over all of the damage that has been caused by their big sexual harassment lawsuit. Nothing they say is quite enough, nothing they do is quite enough. They've already said they were sorry, what more can they really do?

Their latest attempt at putting out the fire, is to drastically cleanse their public image. Scrubbing all hints of misogyny from their games, making every female character put on a sweater. And of course, laying waste to the adult content that has basically marketed their games for them for the past few years.

One quick scroll through Pornhub will reveal heaps of cruel, misogynistic videos, animated pornography depicting women as mere sex objects. And in the wake of their massive lawsuit, this is the last thing Activision Blizzard needs representing their brand online. Activision Blizzard is putting a stop to it.

"Look, we've truly seen the error of our ways." Activision's Bobby Kotick, good friend of Jeffrey Epstein told us in an exclusive interview. "Our problem here was being too horny. Women shouldn't be sexualized. They're our mothers, our daughters, our housewives. They shouldn't be treated like pieces of meat, they should be in the kitchen preparing our meals, in our homes tending to our children. We can't stand for this degeneracy any longer, and we're taking a stand for the sake of women everywhere."

Starting tomorrow, Activision Blizzard will be beginning to pull the plug on all Overwatch porn. Pornhub in its entirely will be wiped, and from there they'll slowly make their way through every other site, taking down every booby, titty, butt, and hole. This could easily send a shockwave rippling through the internet, as more companies start to crack down on how their IP are used, and what kind of fan content is allowed. Porn and hentai as we know it could be a thing of the past.

This is a sad day for the American people. It's like we're in 1984 or something. Our rights are being stripped away, our access to information is being taken from us. Our freedom of expression is being censored. Really, I think this is probably the last straw. Someone needs to do something about it. I propose that we begin Civil War 2 immediately, and reclaim our right to look at animated gifs of video game characters pleasuring horses from the tyrannical New World Order.