Piss Daily takes your privacy seriously. As with many websites, we collect aggregate information on what pages visitors access or visit, and any other information you voluntarily give.


  • A cookie is a small amount of data, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier, that is sent to your browser from a web site's computers and stored on your computer's hard drive.
  • Cookies are not essential to browse Piss Daily as a regular visitor.
  • We use cookies to record current session information, such as whether or not you are logged in, but do not use permanent cookies. If you have a Piss Daily account, you are required to re-login to it account after a certain period of time has elapsed to protect against others accidentally accessing your account contents.
  • Additionally, to help fund the running costs of the site, we run ads from third party vendors, including Google, who use cookies to serve ads based on your previous visits to our website or other websites.


Any questions about this Privacy Policy should be addressed to lordwaffleking@gmail.com.