pride month Pokémon Scarlet And Violent To Feature First Openly Gay Professors We have truly come a long way as a society. From Professor Oak and his "best friend" Professor Elm, and all of the very clearly censored queer themes
overwatch Overwatch 2 Beta Removes Mercy's Big Honking Penis It may be news to everyone, but there was an Overwatch 2 beta. I didn't know Overwatch 2 was coming out, honestly, but I guess that's
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girl power New Female Fully Autonomous Military Drones Will Be Thick As Fuck, Vaporize Minorities On Sight History is being made today as the US military welcomes the world's first fully autonomous female drones into its ranks. The "The Future is Female" future
4 inches is average Donald Trump Sentenced To Life In Chastity Cage Donald Trump will never cum again. After four years, the tyrannical, Orwellian nightmare of Trump's America has finally come to a satisfying conclusion. Congress delivered the lifetime sentence
assassin's creed Ubisoft Confirms New Assassin's Creed Will Suck This Year Too Assassin's Creed fans have been eagerly awaiting the next installment in the Assassin's Creed franchise, desperate for any bit of news from Ubisoft on what the